شبكة محاسبة النفس الاسلامية

قلب من العبادة التي ينبغي ألا يصرف إلا لله 920465607
شبكة محاسبة النفس الاسلامية

قلب من العبادة التي ينبغي ألا يصرف إلا لله 920465607
شبكة محاسبة النفس الاسلامية
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شبكة محاسبة النفس الاسلامية

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nada mahmod
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» الصبر على طاعة الله
قلب من العبادة التي ينبغي ألا يصرف إلا لله Emptyالسبت أكتوبر 10, 2020 10:22 pm من طرف محمد

» فوائد القرفة لتقليل الدهون والسكري والكوليسترول
قلب من العبادة التي ينبغي ألا يصرف إلا لله Emptyالسبت سبتمبر 12, 2020 12:25 am من طرف محمد

» محمد العرش
قلب من العبادة التي ينبغي ألا يصرف إلا لله Emptyالسبت سبتمبر 12, 2020 12:15 am من طرف محمد

» الحديث الشريف
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» التكبير المطلق والمقيد
قلب من العبادة التي ينبغي ألا يصرف إلا لله Emptyالثلاثاء سبتمبر 08, 2020 12:58 am من طرف محمد

» بر الوالدين
قلب من العبادة التي ينبغي ألا يصرف إلا لله Emptyالإثنين سبتمبر 07, 2020 1:47 am من طرف محمد

» كتاب روعة لتعليم مبادئ الانجليزية ... تحفة وحجمة صغير
قلب من العبادة التي ينبغي ألا يصرف إلا لله Emptyالثلاثاء نوفمبر 26, 2013 1:20 pm من طرف naseh

»  يا رب أمطر سمآءهم بـ الفرح .. واكثف في العيد غيم عطيآك
قلب من العبادة التي ينبغي ألا يصرف إلا لله Emptyالإثنين أكتوبر 14, 2013 2:30 am من طرف شهد خالد

»  نصيحة لحجاج بيت الله الحرام
قلب من العبادة التي ينبغي ألا يصرف إلا لله Emptyالإثنين أكتوبر 14, 2013 2:28 am من طرف شهد خالد

المواضيع الأكثر نشاطاً
كتاب روعة لتعليم مبادئ الانجليزية ... تحفة وحجمة صغير
طرائف مصرية ...متجدد بأمر الله
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سلسة السيرة النبوية كاملة منذ ميلاد الرسول حتى وفاتة
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قم بحفض و مشاطرة الرابط محاسبة النفس الاسلامية على موقع حفض الصفحات

قم بحفض و مشاطرة الرابط شبكة محاسبة النفس الاسلامية على موقع حفض الصفحات
مواضيع مماثلة
أفضل 10 أعضاء في هذا الشهر
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أفضل 10 أعضاء في هذا الأسبوع
لا يوجد مستخدم


 قلب من العبادة التي ينبغي ألا يصرف إلا لله

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
رنا حسن
عضو جديد
عضو جديد
رنا حسن

عدد المساهمات : 92
تاريخ التسجيل : 03/09/2011

قلب من العبادة التي ينبغي ألا يصرف إلا لله Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: قلب من العبادة التي ينبغي ألا يصرف إلا لله   قلب من العبادة التي ينبغي ألا يصرف إلا لله Emptyالخميس سبتمبر 08, 2011 3:43 am

A heart of worship that should not distract but to God

He says Jan pain for those who believe that their hearts are subject to the remembrance of Allah iron 12

The Almighty is not afraid of people and do not buy Akhcon Baiati small price to 44 cattle
Ibn Manzoor said in the tongue of the Arabs: humility and reverence is focused Akhcha and are subject threw a blind eye towards the lush land, and reduce the voice
And subordination: the humility and reverence Alttamn and was soon to undergo the submission in the body and voice

Humiliation and refraction

I know my sister my brother Muslim humiliation that the Muslim God glory, glory to God and humility, honor, and I know that insured the night and his pride is his being independent of people, including Let the hand of God more closely than in your hand, and Glory be to God and to His Messenger and the believers, hypocrites 81

But do not humiliate yourself to God and do not bend your forehead for the other

Before Allaah

Intense anger in the tongue said to his Lord ie, reassured him

He says those who believe and do good works and humble themselves before they will abide therein Hood 23

He also said, and who came to teach science as the right of the Lord by Faamnoa Vtakpt him their hearts Hajj 54

And he also said Velhecm one God and he converted to Islam, humans Almkhptin Hajj 34

Said Al-Hafiz ibn Katheer may God have mercy on him: The God if the idolaters in the world and their experience in Dar afterlife where they made it equals any: proverbs and peer Aabdonhm with him and they love the love of God and God is not God but they are, and not against him does not end in a partner with


He says people who take it without God equals love them as love of God and who believe, love Allaah more cow 165

And said Al-Hafiz Ibn Kathir Allah's mercy
The God if the idolaters in the world and their experience in Dar afterlife, where they made his equals, ie, proverbs and peer Aabdonhm with him, and love them love of God, and God is no god but He, and not against him and does not end, and partner with

And in the correct from Ibn Mas'ud said: 'O Messenger of God the greatest sin? He said, to make God created you a Nada

And says those who believe, love Allaah more cow 165 and to love him well by their knowledge of and reverence to him and unite them, not associating anything with Him: but worship him alone and trust in him and resort to it in all their affairs

Sheikh Hafiz narrated this verse who Amnoashid love of God Qara 165 tells us God the Almighty to His believing slaves the most love for, and because they did not engage with him in his love anyone as he invited his love of the idolaters, who have taken without him equals love them like the grain and a sign of love slave Lord: than anything else and that bucked the desires and reject the Lord hates and money as it desires and loyalty to and from Allah and His Messenger and the anti-booed and follow His Messenger and the tracing and guided him to accept

All of these signs in terms of love not imagine a love without condition them and God said what do you think God desires of you then took it to be an agent of Al-Furqan 43 slaves desires

He said the Almighty God who has taken what do you think God desires it to be Avant agent Criterion 43

Both Abdel other with God, it is the slaves desires

Signs of love

And has been mentioned signs of love from God loves them and love him in his book said, 'O you who believe you fall back from his religion will come a people God loves them and they love submissive believers struggling the noblest of the infidels for Allah and not afraid of anybody as long as the table 54

The fourth said their signs

The first submissive to the faithful, ie merciful to them they Mhfiqin

Second: the noblest of the unbelievers ie severe against disbelievers, and merciful among themselves

Third Jihad for the sake of God, money, self-hand and tongue

Fourth: they do not take them in God to anybody as long and because the loving God, the Almighty does not need to cast blame and even making fun of it tasted the love of God Almighty is not affected by it or back down on the right who is sticking it to blame Olaúmin or mockery mockers and he has to prove on the right, not from a lack of Istohac Almsalkin does not change frequently perish

What is love

I know my sister Muslim Muslim brother that love is indescribable, but rather what they knew and felt its joy Bhlautea Vance Lord Vcefy near his heart and had recommended the same

Aljalbh reasons for the love of God

Read the Quran and reflect upon the understanding of its meaning and what I want it

To draw closer to Allah after the obligatory religious duties
Time said after all the heart, tongue and work

Preference than anything else on the Mhapk when Glebatt fancy

View the heart of His names and attributes and see and know the effects and variability in kindergarten this Almkhrfah and fields

View righteousness and kindness and grace both outward and inward

Broken heart in his hands

Time alone with the divine descent and read his book and then seal it with prayers for forgiveness

Babysitting truthful and loving delicacies capture the fruits of their words and not speak unless you swing the interest of speech and that the more I spoke to your situation, and the benefit to others

Every reason why the spacing between the heart and God Almighty
Sections of love

Divided into five types of love

Section I: love of God

And there is no road to the love of God but to follow His Messenger, may Allah bless him and grant him peace

He says Say you love Allah then follow me, Allah and the Sunnah will forgive you your sins and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful 30 Say: Obey Allah and His Messenger, if they turn away, then God does not love the disbelievers Al Omran 3132

And you to find many of the claims of God's love does not work then what our Lord loves and which pleases Him, but find it oppose Allaah and disobey Him and this class of people Aoboukhm Shafei said, Allah's mercy

Tas God and the love you show this is impossible to measure Badi
If your love was true for those who obeyed him that loves loving naughty

Terms of God's love

Obey God's commands

Completed for prohibitions

3 believe what God told him, he says less truth of God Al-Imran 95

Love what God loves

Regardless of what God hates: I do not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last Day of sharp Ioadon Allah and His Messenger, arguing 22
Section II: in the love of the Prophet peace be upon him

And this love due to a love of God required it, they love God and for him to increase more than the love of God in the heart and the insured decreases Bnqsa

Pro guardians of God

The guardian is characterized as faith and piety

He says not to Allaah, no fear, nor shall they grieve 62 who believe and are cautious Younis 6263

Anti-enemies of God

He says, O you who believe, do not take Jews and Christians, some parents and some parents from whom he amongst you that God does not guide wrongdoing folk Table 51

Work the book of God

He says that you sent down the Book in truth to judge between people, including 105 women I see God

Section II: the love of the Prophet peace be upon him

And this love is obligatory, belonging to the love of God, needed her, they love God and for him, an increase of more than the love of God in the believer's heart, and decreases Bnqsa

Anas may Allah be pleased with him said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him three of the Be it found the sweetness of faith that God and His Messenger are dearer to him than anything else, and to love one's Aihbh only to God, and be compelled to return to kufr after if saved God also hates him to be thrown into the fire

It was also the Prophet peace be upon him said: None of you believes until I am dearer to him than his father and his son and all the people

Terms of the love of the Prophet peace be upon him

1 obey what it is: He says what we sent a messenger except to be obeyed, God willing, women 64

The completion of what is forbidden him, and enjoined the Almighty said, and disobeys Allah and His Messenger and transgresses His limits, enter the eternal fire and torment him humiliating Women make up 14

Believe what it told him and this very faith

Imitation by Allah bless him and grant him peace, said inwardly and apparent meaning was you in the Messenger of Allah a good example for whoever hopes for those who Allah and the Last Day party 21
Prayer for him when he was mentioned peace be upon him said that the Almighty God and His angels send blessings on the Prophet, O you who believe it arrived and handed recognition of parties 56

The third part is the love of God

A love of the prophets of Allah and His Messenger, and the followers of the true believers, and love what God loves the business of the time, place and belonging to the love of God, but faith is one of the supplies

It was narrated that Abu Umaamah may Allah be pleased with him: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said: love of God and in God and hated God gave the faith has been completed

Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him said: I would love to find the taste of faith Fleihb one does not love only God

And on the Bara may Allah be pleased with him said: The Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him peace: Ansar is not a believer and no one loves them but hates a hypocrite I love it I love God and hates God Abgdahm

Section IV: with God's love

A pagan love: He says people who take it without God equals love them as love of God and who believe, love Allaah more cow 156

It is shown here astray those who Athompshon graves of the righteous and fall down on their doorstep on the pretext that they love them, this love Sharkey

Section V: natural love

Love of parents, children and other things Olney human mushroom natural disposition to love which God has created in mankind Roman 30

And this love is permissible, but if helped to obey, obedience became in itself if it were a sin became sin and only remained on the permissibility

He says, O you who believe that of your children, your wives and your enemy, beware of them [al 14
The heart of worship also trust

Trust: the adoption of the heart to God in bringing the benefits and detriments to pay and this does not contradict the reasons for taking leave because the glass of the reasons in the legislation and the belief in causes a glass in the uniformity

He says to God, and if you are believers Valtokloa Table 23

The Almighty and puts his trust in God He will suffice divorce 4

He says Moses said: O my people, if you believed in God, he in God, if you are Muslim Younis 84

This verse I'm making guide values ​​and trust in the truth of Islam as a strong person of faith was bestowed the most powerful and if the weakness of faith and trust in a person twice if the trust was weak evidence of the weakness of faith and must

God brings together and worship and trust between the trust and faith, and between trust and piety, and between trust and Islam, between the trust and guidance

Appeared out of all the shrines of faith and charity and to all acts of Islam and the stature of the body from head Kmenzelh As the head is not based only on the body, so too does not Mqamath faith, and his work on the leg of any trust


A sincere repentance and turning to God, and God bless

The Almighty Turn to your Lord and converted to Islam, his Muzzammil 54

He says, and who shun the idols that Aabduha Onabwa to God and good news preached to them slaves Zumar 17

The help of

He says beware of worship we use, and beware of light 5

He said may Allah bless him and asked him if Vassell God and seek the help of God, if enlisted


He blessed and exalted, and those who feared standing before his Lord Two-Rahman 46

He says hope and mercy and fear His punishment Isra 57

The Prophet peace be upon him: and my hand if you know what I know you would laugh little and weep a lot, and never enjoy what women on the mattresses, but did you go out to the streets, beseeching

He also said: Adlj was afraid of the house, not a commodity that is expensive commodity that is not Paradise
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
محمود الريدى
المدير العام للمنتدى
المدير العام للمنتدى
محمود الريدى

قلب من العبادة التي ينبغي ألا يصرف إلا لله Jb12915568671
قلب من العبادة التي ينبغي ألا يصرف إلا لله A5110
قلب من العبادة التي ينبغي ألا يصرف إلا لله 13228311
قلب من العبادة التي ينبغي ألا يصرف إلا لله Iii10

الدولة : قلب من العبادة التي ينبغي ألا يصرف إلا لله 3dflag10
عدد المساهمات : 361
تاريخ التسجيل : 13/10/2010
العمر : 54

قلب من العبادة التي ينبغي ألا يصرف إلا لله Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: قلب من العبادة التي ينبغي ألا يصرف إلا لله   قلب من العبادة التي ينبغي ألا يصرف إلا لله Emptyالسبت سبتمبر 10, 2011 7:26 am

قلب من العبادة التي ينبغي ألا يصرف إلا لله 1054gi77op
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
قلب من العبادة التي ينبغي ألا يصرف إلا لله
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